Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after the 7 day free trial?

Your subscription will start. You can cancel at any time but if you wish to cancel before the subscription starts please do so before the 7 day free trial is over..

Do I need equipment?

The classes are designed for you and your mat but there will be options for you to use small equipment if you have it (there are a range of classes using different small props). Please don't feel that you have to go out and purchase new equipment though because matwork is brilliant on a stand alone basis and most classes are equipment free.

I've never tried Pilates before. Is it suitable for me?

Pilates is suitable for everybody including pregnant clients and new mums. It's a wonderful practice for all stages of life for men and women. I have recorded some beginner level classes to get your head around the practice too. Please read the liability waiver before you take part in exercise.

I am in my first trimester. Are the classes suitable for me?

Taryn has tailored the prenatal classes for the 2nd and 3rd trimester mainly but please check with your midwife and make sure that exercise is suitable for you currently. Generally speaking if you were fairly active pre pregnancy then you can keep doing what you've been doing but again please check with your midwife first.

When is it suitable for me to start Pilates postnatally?

Starting times can differ depending on the nature of your delivery and when you are ready to partake in exercise. For vaginal delivery it is usually around 6-8 weeks. For a belly birth it is usually around 8-12 weeks. We strongly advise you see a women's health physiotherapist post birth (whether you had a vaginal or belly birth) to carry out a 'mummy MOT' before you commence any form of exercise. The Physio can do a thorough check up which includes Diastasis Recti check, musculoskeletal assessment of your back and internal assessment of your pelvic floor function. Please don't hesitate to contact Taryn directly via email if you have any further questions. Taryn has advice for any mums that would like to begin exercise before the 6 Week period is up but would prefer to speak to you separately if you'd like to begin sooner.